28 Sep 2018 Former Northern Army Commander Lt Gen D S Hooda on Friday justified the surgical strikes day celebration and said that he had no doubt that 


India’s response to China was “outstanding”, has emboldened other nations – Lt. Gen. DS Hooda

Gen Hooda promised an enquiry into the deaths would be carried  Lt. Gen. Deependra Singh Hooda retired as the General Officer Commanding-in- Chief of Northern Command after forty years of service in the Indian Army. 12 Feb 2016 Lt Gen D S Hooda, Northern Army Commander felicitates to army officer on the occasion of Northern Command's investiture ceremony 2016 at  8 Dec 2014 Northern Army Commander Lt-General D.S. Hooda has written a letter to personnel of the force, seeking to boost the morale of his team after  Northern Army Commander Lt Gen D S Hooda awarding medal to a woman on Friday. By. Daily Excelsior. -. 13/02/2016. Share.

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"And to be fair, I relied a lot on their advice. It does get lonely at the top but if you shut yourself from advice or seeking correct advice, that's where you can go wrong," he said. Hooda said each target had to be hit at a different time. De senaste tweetarna från @LtGenHooda News18 » News » India » Chinese Violence Completely Unprecedented, Govt Should be Firm in Statements: Lt Gen DS Hooda 1-MIN READ At least 20 Indian soldiers were killed in the clash with Chinese troops at Galwan Valley in Ladakh. Lt Gen DS Hooda.

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Lt Gen DS Hooda BLOGS. August 23, 2020, 8:57 AM IST. Must invest in military power to tackle China. Can’t Pull Back Troops From LoC to Guard Camps: Lt Gen DS Hooda.

2021-01-30 · Lt Gen DS Hooda (retd) Former Northern Army Commander. The standoff at the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Ladakh is set to continue through the winter.

28 Sep 2018 Former Northern Army Commander Lt Gen D S Hooda on Friday justified the surgical strikes day celebration and said that he had no doubt that  23 Sep 2017 The Indian Army offensive had, according to Lt Gen (retd) DS Hooda, who at the time was the Northern Army Commander, caused panic among  8 Nov 2014 the army's northern command, DS Hooda, told reporters late on Friday. Gen Hooda promised an enquiry into the deaths would be carried  Lt. Gen. Deependra Singh Hooda retired as the General Officer Commanding-in- Chief of Northern Command after forty years of service in the Indian Army.

The Home / India News / 2016 surgical strike video authentic, sensitive information deleted: Gen DS Hooda Lieutenant General DS Hooda (retd)(HT File Photo) india news. Lt Gen. DS Hooda an address to West Point cadets in February 2011, the US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said, When it comes to predicting the nature and location of our next military engagements, since Vietnam, our record has been perfect. Lt Gen DS Hooda (retd)-10 November, 2017 Swift wars are a myth, India needs to prepare for other modern forms of warfare as well Lt Gen DS Hooda (retd) - 25 October, 2017 2021-01-30 · Lt Gen DS Hooda (retd) Former Northern Army Commander. The standoff at the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Ladakh is set to continue through the winter. Lok Sabha elections 2019: Rahul Gandhi makes Surgical Stikes hero Lt Gen DS Hooda head of Congress task force on security.
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Gen Hooda promised an enquiry into the deaths would be carried  Lt. Gen. Deependra Singh Hooda retired as the General Officer Commanding-in- Chief of Northern Command after forty years of service in the Indian Army. 12 Feb 2016 Lt Gen D S Hooda, Northern Army Commander felicitates to army officer on the occasion of Northern Command's investiture ceremony 2016 at  8 Dec 2014 Northern Army Commander Lt-General D.S. Hooda has written a letter to personnel of the force, seeking to boost the morale of his team after  Northern Army Commander Lt Gen D S Hooda awarding medal to a woman on Friday. By. Daily Excelsior.
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Lt Gen DS Hooda, who had made spoken against the politicisation of the surgical strike on the sidelines of a military literature festival in Chandigarh, expressed anguish at the fact that his statement was being used politically and that the opposition was trying to use it for its gains

12 Feb 2016 Lt Gen D S Hooda, Northern Army Commander felicitates to army officer on the occasion of Northern Command's investiture ceremony 2016 at  8 Dec 2014 Northern Army Commander Lt-General D.S. Hooda has written a letter to personnel of the force, seeking to boost the morale of his team after  Northern Army Commander Lt Gen D S Hooda awarding medal to a woman on Friday. By. Daily Excelsior. -.

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Confirmation from Lt. Gen. D. S Hooda on video of #surgical #strike !

A. K. Hooda and A. S. Narula, “Pericardial cyst: a rare associa-. Enligt AFP Western Mindanao Command Chief Lt.Gen. 1. april besøkte den indiske generalen Dalbir Singh og general DS Hooda fra Nordkommandoen  av Z Saleyi · 2014 — för Differentiated Services (DS), och ett 2-bitarsfält för Explicit kapitlet handlar om IP version 6 (IPv6) även kallad för IP next generation (IPng) som [60] Shannon McFarland, Muninder Sambi, Nikhil Sharma, Sanjay Hooda. Gensuo Jia, Elena Shevliakova, Paulo Artaxo, Natahlie De-Docoudré, Ball, Nikita Bernier, H. Bidaman, V. Bildstein, M. Bowry, D. S. Cross, Iris Dillmann, Roy M. Harrison, Bas Henzing, Rakesh Hooda, Min Hu, Urmas Hõrrak, Niku Kivekäs,  (no cat number) DS-13 - Aborted Teen Generation 7" (later Havoc Records) (FUKK 2) Burning Kitchen - Confrontation 7" (with Bent Edge / Communichaos  Arora, D. S., & Sandhu, D. K. (1985) Laccase production and wood M., Garcia, J. L., & Patel, B. K. (2000) Papillibacter cinnamivorans gen. nov., sp. nov., Hooda, R., Bhardwaj, N. K., & Singh, P. (2015) Screening and identification of  11 283 D.S. KAMAT GEN MUMBAI 284 C.B. KODNIKAR GEN MUMBAI 285 BCA 30 4 10170705 KAVITA GEN 38 5 10170706 VISHAL HOODA GEN 32 6  Dr Happymon Jacob is joined by an eminent panel consisting of Amb. Nirupama Rao (Former Foreign Secretary), Lt. Gen DS Hooda (Former  In this episode, Dr Happymon Jacob is joined by an eminent panel consisting of Amb. Nirupama Rao (Former Foreign Secretary), Lt. Gen DS Hooda (Former  Electrical generation and transmission plans must remain cost-effective, reliable, and flexible for further future expansion.